Well, Glenn decided he wanted to raise
meat rabbits. After much research on breeds, etc., he decided
on TAMUK composite rabbits. They have been especially bred
by Texas A&M University in Kingsville, TX to have larger litters, to
tolerate our south Texas heat better, and to have tougher
foot pads than most rabbits. The project was overseen by Dr.
Steven Lukefahr. You can read more about the TAMUK rabbits
in an interesting
article about these rabbits.
They kindly bred both does to
different bucks on the day they were picked up (Merlin is
still too young to be a daddy!). You can read more about
them on this
FaceBook page.
of the Lake
(bred to a chocolate buck) had nine kits 31 days
later. She waited to pull hair until the night
of the kindling, so we weren't even sure she was
bred. She appears to be a good mother, even
though it is her first litter.
02/16/16 - 9 days old: All nine are
still doing great, and a couple of them have
their eyes open. |
05/08/16 -
All nine grow-outs did well. They
spent a lot of time in a tractor,
trimming the grass/weeds in the
front yard! |

9 Days Old |
Lady of the Lake was bred to
Merlin had eight kits 31 days later,
one was born dead. She pulled very
little hair, but is an excellent
mother. Everything given to her as a
toy or snack (i.e., tp rolls, pine
cones, etc) were taken into her next
box for her kits.
So - Merlin
is PROVEN! |
Lady of the Lake was bred to
Merlin on 06/01/16. Details to
follow. |
Morgana (bred to a blue buck)
had 11 kits on day 32, one was born dead. She
never did pull any hair, but did have them in
the nest box. The kits were found dead the next
morning, with two of them 'missing'... It looked
like she didn't feed them. We don't know if she
didn't have any milk, or just didn't know what
to do. We're going to stick with three strikes
before you're out, so she'll get another chance
when Merlin is old enough.
Morgana was bred to Merlin on
03/21/16. Nothing. Strike TWO.
Morgana was bred to Merlin on
05/30/16. 10 born with no hair - dead. Strike
you for your interest; we have sold all the rabbits.
If you have any questions, please ask! |